martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Letter to Maya Angelou

May 15, 2015

Dear Mrs. Angelou,

A few days ago I read for first time your poem “Still I Rise”. While reading it, I noticed that you wrote it in a strong tone. Also, through it I felt that you were talking to me. I’m sure that you wrote the poem on a strong tone because you wanted to be listened by others. Your voice scream I can overcome this!

The reason why I am enjoying that much your poem is because you are talking with your heart.  You wrote so straight, that I am sure that everybody can understand it meaning. Also, it is example of the different struggles that people of our society have had, because everyone had been discriminated at least once in life. My favorite lines are “Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,” and “I am the dream and the hope of the slave.” Those lines contain powerful words. They are my favorite because you recognize that our ancestors (and I believe that we don’t have to go that far) wanted the best for the next generations, especially equality.

“Still I Rise”! I have the strength of overcoming discrimination, and to show others that they also can. 

 With Admiration,
Coralys Rosa-Marcano

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